Declared as the No.1 APS in the country by AWES for the Eighth consecutive year


Creativity is the key to success in the future and primary education is where teachers can bring creativity in children at that level
--- Abdul Kalam.


Effective Primary Education is crucial and challenging in today’s world. It is crucial because we mould the future generation leaving imprints in their minds for a lifetime and challenging because we have to be at our creative best to engage the Gen Z technocrat kids of the 21st century. 

While children enter the portals of a school for formal education, the goal of education at the primary level is to activate child’s own natural desire to learn.

At APSB we believe in multidimensional approach to learning. We recognise that learning is not limited to just writing and reading, but a 3600  development encompassing values, skill, physical health, emotional and mental health.

Our endeavour is to create a space and include every child to explore and learn in their own unique way.
Albert Einstein once famously said - Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

This we take as a corner stone to school education. It inspires us to constantly invigorate and innovate to allow multidimensional learning and create experiences that will be cherished for a life time.

At APSB we want Children to fall in Love with Learning and Life.


Jayashree Parakkatil.